Life is complicated.
Let’s figure it out.

Whether you’re experiencing problems in your relationship, family, work, or you’re just not feeling like yourself, get the clarity you need at Mend Counseling in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Be Understood

Mend is for everyone. Our inclusive approach to therapy connects with people from all backgrounds and beliefs.

Get Clarity

If life’s challenges were simple, we’d figure them out ourselves. Get the understanding you need to feel like the best version of yourself.

Move Forward

Therapy is more than just talk. Build the skills and awareness you need to find and take your next steps.

It shouldn’t be so hard to understand ourselves.

But it is. Our challenges follow us on vacation, between jobs, and across relationships. The only way to see real change is to identify what is causing our problems in the first place.

Find the right words.

Therapy will help you turn feelings that are hard to express into insights that get you back to enjoying life again.

What Folks are Saying:

Mend Counseling is such a peaceful presence. Sometimes when you are navigating difficult relationships or dilemmas around your next steps you need a kind, faithful presence to wade in it with you, to listen objectively, and empower you to find your way to healing. Mend Counseling therapists are gentle guides in personal growth and I'd whole heartedly recommend Mend's holistic approach to mental health!

- Tarah Carnahan

I've worked with Mend Counseling in a number of different settings. Their insights are always helpful. Mend helped me find ways to breakthrough multiple stuck stuck places in my life. I highly recommend their work.

- Dan Cumberland

Having supervised Peter during his time at Mindful Counseling GR, I can say with confidence that he brings a depth of wisdom, insight, and compassion to each relationship with his clients. He has a rare ability to see beneath the surface of symptoms, help people get to the core of their struggles, and find healing and deeper freedom in their lives. Peter does this with a skillful approach that is both gentle and direct. I recommend his work as a psychotherapist without hesitation.

- Bryan Nixon

Peter is a gift. His intellect and heart combined offer perspective as well as care. His ability to deeply listen is true and special and his ability to connect makes you feel seen and heard. I definitely recommend Mend Counseling!

- Erin Skidmore

Our Process

Schedule a session.

The best place to start is to just start.

Start figuring it out.

Navigate the situations that make you feel stuck.

Enjoy life again.

Be more present, satisfied, and in control of your life.